Consider one of a variety of services available for your specific needs or event.
Scroll down to learn more about the details or contact the author directly for scheduling and pricing.
Note: Services desired for outside of the N.E. Ohio area will incur additional charges for traveling expenses.
Author Visits and SigningsSchedule to have a personalized visit specifically arranged for your business, school, or learning center. Enhance your event with a personal appearing, book signing, guest speaker, professional resource, or other formal & informal role such as panelists, judge, or presenter.
Readings and PresentationsSchedule an author's visit that includes age-appropriate programs catered to your needs. Programs include items such as: speaking, reading from published works, exploring genuine artifacts from overseas travels, slide shows, interactive activities and games. Please inquire for availability & pricing.
Literacy WorkshopsMake use of a professional resource to teach or enhance your literacy program. The author has created instructional lessons and interactive workshops, enhanced by employing his formal masters level education in reading curriculum and instruction. These programs focus on developing reading fluency while exploring the dynamics of the writing process.
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The author is currently seeking an agent to help facilitate future titles to be published! Check back here for progress and news!